Yoast SEO Premium cho Wordpress

Giá: 76.65 $/site → Đắt phết.
Version: 7.6
Version mới nhất: 7.6.1

Change log


Release Date: June 5th, 2018


  • Adds Flesch Reading Ease for Russian.
  • Adds Catalan transition words.
  • Adds a tab to the Help Center on posts, pages, terms and custom post types which explains which template variables can be used in the Snippet Preview.


  • Fixes a bug where sequences of symbols which do not contain a single letter or digit were considered as valid keywords.
  • Fixes a bug where Flesch Reading Ease translation strings were not fully translated.
  • Fixes a bug where numbers-only keywords caused the analysis to fail.
  • Fixes a bug where the active keyword in the state wasn’t updated whenever changes were made in the keyword field.
  • Fixes a bug where replacevars based on custom fields would throw an error due to a missing ID.


  • Changes the maximum meta description length from 320 to 156 characters.
  • Fixes typo in $field_defs parameter description for wpseo_metabox_entries filter.
  • Restores the warning for using unsupported replacement variables on the search appearance settings page.

Bảng so sánh premium version và free: Bảng so sánh

Download (13.8MB): Link Google Drive

1 Lượt thích

Cập nhật version 7.7.2

Download:Yoast SEO Premium v7.7.2

Cập nhật Yoast SEO Premium phiên bản 7.8.1

Download: Yoast SEO Premium v7.8.1

Cập nhật Yoast SEO Premium phiên bản 8.0

Download: Yoast SEO Premium v8.0

Cập nhật Yoast SEO Premium phiên bản 8.2.2

Download: Yoast SEO Premium v8.2.2

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